Tamia Govan

Pronouns: she/her

Tamia Govan in front of a door wearing a teal/blue shirt and scarf.

Tamia Govan is a child welfare reform advocate with lived expertise. She is the mother of six children and has over a decade of experience working with infants thru preschool aged children in her previous capacity as the owner of a home-based childcare center and as a nursery volunteer at church. She is an outspoken voice in the community for the needs of the voiceless. She has overcome numerous challenges to find herself in a unique position to advocate for positive changes that will impact the next generation. Tamia enjoys the outdoors and sincerely believes beauty can be found anywhere! She lives her life with the intention of identifying the beauty within others and then giving those in positions of power and influence the opportunity to see the beauty in the lives of people often silenced by systems that marginalize and overlook some members of our society. She is extremely optimistic about what is possible for future generations!